A little adventure

November 25, 2019

Saturday, November 23, 2019

So my friend Megan had bought tickets for my birthday to see Shane Smith and the Saints and Koe Wetzel in Wichita. We had plans to meet up about noon-ish and it was about a two hour drive for me to get there.  I have been hard in the trenches of motherhood lately and was SO looking forward to the weekend, and even the two hour drive alone.

I had decided that I was going to leave a little early and do some things on my own, which is kind of big deal for me. I NEVER like to go places alone, it gives me anxiety even thinking about it. But lately I have been feeling a little more adventurous. I set out on my drive with no real plans until it was time to meet up with Megan and Jeff. As I was driving I remembered that there was a pottery shop that I have heard so much about and have wanted to check out for about two years, and it just so happened to be somewhere along-ish my drive. So, I fought with myself for about twenty minutes- I made a pro and con list in my head. Then I said F it and plugged the address into my GPS and off I went. Again, this was a BIG deal. I put the address in and didn't even realize how far off the highway it was. It was bout 35 minutes out of my way, and thankfully I didn't even notice until I was almost there. I was totally caught up in the moment, enjoying the drive, the music, and the sights of a new place I have never been. It was 100% what my SOUL needed.

I pulled into the pottery shop and noticed that it was like a whole thing. Craft booths, food vendors, and... decorated outhouses. Oh yes. Turns out it was the Elk Falls Pottery's annual open house and the town's fall festival- which included the tour of decorated outhouses. I snapchatted a couple friends to tell them of this turn of events and was told to run if I heard banjos- which oddly enough was set to begin shortly after my arrival. There was a bluegrass band about to begin playing!  So, I toured the pottery shop and walked around the outhouses ALL alone. Solo. I got to talk to several people at the shop and in the rock garden outside of the shop, and in these conversations my heart was filling up. 

If you don't know me, I'm a talker and I thrive on meeting new people. IT.WAS.AWESOME.  I seriously cannot tell you just how much going on this adventure alone was exactly what I needed, like what my soul needed. The BEST part of this whole thing was that I still had more fun to come when I got to hug on my Megan Ann.

This man, he always takes care of me. I am so lucky to have him. 
 Here are some of the pictures I took. I collect Elephants and there were several around in the garden.

THIS TREE. it was like something from a fairy tale. It had this beautiful chime and wheel with lights strung around it. Seriously, can I stay here forever? As Beautiful as it was in the fall, can you even imagine it in the summer? I will be back, mark my words.  

I dont "love" this picture- but I got to talking to a woman and we walked around the garden together chatting and looking at the art. She found several places with good light and convinced me that she should take a pictures of me to remember it by. She kept saying "you are such a beautiful girl". MY.HEART. Such a beautiful memory.  

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